Saturday, December 24, 2022

Working as a Daycare Sub

I saw my brother wrote about his experience working as a substitute teacher, so I decided it’d been fun to write about my sub job, although I don’t work with school age kids like he does.

I work at the Cornell day care, where the children of a lot of faculty and staff at Cornell stay during the day. I applied to the job because my roommate worked there and was telling me all about the cute kids she’d see at work, so I decided to apply.

I work primarily in the Infant wing, which is 5 classrooms with about 8 babies each, all 18 months old or younger. I love working with the babies the most, more than toddlers or preschoolers, although they’re fun too.

I can’t believe I get paid to play with tiny little cutie pies for like 4 hours a day. The other day a tiny two month old baby named Elisha slept in my arms for 40 minutes, and he held my finger with his itty bitty hand the entire time and I fell in love. There’s an 8 month old named Fred who always is so happy to see me and has such a soft squishable face, and a chonky baby girl named Juliana who always is smiling.

I love watching these babies grow so much week over week, and seeing all of their little personalities develop as they grow. It’s really an awesome job and I can’t wait to get back to it in the spring.

Thanks for reading!



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