Friday, January 1, 2021


The holiday season is rife with delectable desserts and sweets. I’ve had enough sugar in the last month to last me until 2022. Among our cookies and cakes this season, we were gifted a plate of Biscotti by some family friends. If you are not familiar, Biscotti are a type of Italian cookie. You may recognize them from someone’s coffee table or at a family gathering, untouched.  

Do you know why they’re untouched? Because they’re terrible. In most other cultures, hard dry cookies that break your teeth are an accident. But Italians make and eat them on purpose. Why is it that Italy, a country with perhaps the most universally beloved cuisine, makes just the most disgusting cookies? Maybe I should ask my Italian grandmother.

Furthermore, Biscotti cookies are supposed to be eaten with coffee. I feel strongly that eating dehydrated food should generally be a last resort. Usually dehydrated food is reserved for people hiking the Appalachian Trail. But Italians choose to have it in civilization. 

Maybe they eat it because it makes their entrees taste better by comparison. “The pasta was molto buona but the dessert tasted like cardboard”.

This is our final blog of this holiday season.  Thanks to all who read some or all of them. I hope 2021 brings you chances to see your friends and family up close and I wish you many cookies that don’t break your teeth.



Felice anno nuovo!


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