Tuesday, December 31, 2024


New Year’s resolutions have always seemed so daunting to me, because they are so hard to follow through with— the second Friday of every January is known as “quitter’s day” because that’s usually the point by which people give up their resolutions. So, in preparing for this new year, I’ve decided I’m setting myself some more vague goals and fun goals rather than commit to something I don’t feel I can handle. 

Here are some of my ideas for what I plan to do in 2025:

  1. I want to moisturize more.
  2. I want to become a purse wearer in days when I don’t require a backpack, rather than just carrying around the same big bag full of crap I don’t need every day.
  3. I want to cook for myself more actual meals instead of just girl dinners (though there’s no shame in a girl dinner).
  4. Related to that, I want to make one new recipe for myself per month (I was going to say week but I decided that’s not sustainable for me.
  5. I want to find a new form of exercise that excites me.
  6. My Goodreads goal is 24 books since I’ll be turning 24 next year.
  7. I want to burn more candles.
  8. If I see a type of flower or plant at a farmers market that I’ve never seen before, I’m going to get it.
  9. I want to make more of my own clothing.

These are all pretty general, but they’re ideas that excite me and things I think I can stick with and commit to working toward, and that’s what it’s all about, baby. 

Remember that you can have fun resolutions, not just stressful ones, and take it as a chance for a new beginning. I know I’m really looking forward to the changes of the new year. 

Happy New Year everybody!


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