Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Art Of Photography

I have loved photography for most of my life.  When I was a teenager, I got really into taking pictures with my analog camera – reading lots of “how to” books that detailed tricks of the trade and how to manipulate aperture and shutter speed.

In college, I took a photography class that involved putting my assignment photos up on the wall each week for my classmates and professor to critique both technique and subject. That was a really eye-opening experience which taught me that people will often see things I never saw or could even anticipate.

I got pretty good at photography. And then I got busy. Working and raising a young family was about all I could manage. Sure, I took lots of nice pictures of my family – but I never really got to play with the camera with them as I would have liked.

And then everything went digital.  Who has time to tinker with all of those settings? And more importantly, who knows how to fix something once you’ve unwittingly altered a setting and can’t undo it? That happened to me once nine years ago on the vista of Ngorongoro Crater and I still haven’t recovered from the trauma.

And then iPhones came along. While the resolution of the photos is still not as good as from a real camera, it is just so convenient.  Smartphones are lightweight, always with us, and are attached to wifi so pictures can be shared easily. I have actually devoted my Instagram page entirely to floral photography just for fun. But that is the extent of my photo adventures these days.

But yet still I find myself thinking about my cameras and getting back into actual photography. Maybe figure out what all those crazy settings are for – but I will do it in a low-stakes environment like a local botanic garden or something! And could somebody out there please make a real camera that has wifi built in so I can send my pictures wherever I would like?!


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