Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tree Trimming Traditions

I asked a friend tonight what I should write about. She suggested holiday traditions – or more specifically one that she likes in particular. You see, each year we invite a family or person to come and decorate our Christmas tree with us.  We have had college friends, neighbors, family, girlfriends, etc.  By luck of the draw, often times the guests are Jewish and it is the first time they have ever decorated a tree!  Lessons must be given – plain reflective ornaments towards the inside to reflect the light, nothing too heavy on a thin branch, etc.   This year will be different – only family living in our household allowed – but isn’t everything different this year? 

Some more tree fun facts:

-         We have two trees: one real and one artificial. For many years, the artificial tree had a blue and white theme as a nod to the Jewish side of our family.

-         Growing up, I always got the top section of our live tree to put in my bedroom as a mini-tree to decorate.

-         We have various themed ornaments on our tree: the annual White House ornaments, animals, and travel, to name just a few. We acquire ornaments wherever we travel. In the rare instance a location does not sell them, we buy the local keychain and bedazzle it up to create an ornament.

-         This last one is more of a PSA: if you have a real tree, never leave it unattended with the lights on. Over time, that tree dries out and will light up like a tinder box if ignited. When I was a little girl, my Dad the fire marshal took me into the yard and threw a match on a dried Christmas tree branch just to drive home this point. It worked. I never forgot it.

Happy tree trimming all!


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