So tonight I went to see the new Grinch movie starring
Benedict Cumberbatch as the Christmas-hater himself. After seeing this version,
I immediately brought my friend to my house to sit down and watch the classic
version starring Jim Carrey. The Benedictian version was cute and fun, and
there were some laughable moments, but as I watched one of my favorite
Christmas movies for the hundredth time, I was once again blown away by how
truly excellent the Jim Carrey version is. I also noticed there was a huge contrast
with whom both movies were targeted towards. This new Grinch, who is supposed
to be the epitome of hatred and evil, literally goes down to Whoville to buy
his groceries. There’s not a lot of digging to get to his gooey, emotional
bits, and I feel like his heart was barely 1/2 size too small, let alone the 2
sizes it’s supposed to be. On the other hand, Jim Carrey in a green fur suit
eats raw onions, rotten banana peels, and glass, and throws a child into
dangerous machinery. Also he’s literally so hilarious the whole time, with 75%
of the jokes in the movie being completely marketed to teens and adults. It’s
something I laughed at with my younger innocence when I liked his antics but
didn’t really understand the jokes, and now that I get them it’s ten times
funnier. So while Benedict is an icon himself, he plays a meaner dragon than
green furry dude, and Jim Carrey completely embodies the insecure, sassy badass
that the Grinch truly is at heart.
-- Holly

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